We are a leading communications company with operations in Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and other parts of Latin America and we do things a little differently...

  • About Us
    About Us

    About Us

    The communications and entertainment services that we offer to our residential and business customers include video, broadband internet, telephony and mobile services. In most of our operating footprint, we offer a "triple-play" of bundled services of digital video, internet and telephony in one subscription. We are also bundling, where available, mobile offerings with the "tripe-play" products to offer a "quad-play", or fixed-mobile convergence service. Available fixed service offerings depend on the bandwidth capacity of a particular fixed system and whether it has been upgraded for two-way communications.

  • Core Strategy
    About Us


    Liberty Latin America is committed to delivering equity returns and value creation through superior organic and inorganic growth. We will extend our world class services and products through regional expansion into high growth markets and segments through opportunistic M&A.

    We are committed to technological innovation to deliver transformational products and services that help improve and simplify the digital lives of our customers.

  • Business Products
    About Us


    Our business products and services also include enterprise-grade connectivity, data center, hosting and managed solutions, as well as information technology solutions (IT solutions) with customers ranging from small and medium enterprises to international companies and governmental agencies.

    We also operate approximately 50,000 kilometers of sub-sea and terrestrial fiber optic cable networks that connect over 30 markets in that region, providing connectivity both within and outside our operating footprint.

  • Network Expansion
    About Us


    We intend to continue to expand our network coverage through both organic growth and, subject to market conditions, through transactions including acquisitions of other businesses that allow us to leverage and scale our operations and create operational efficiencies.

Our Key Facts

Leading operator in Latin America and the Caribbean

Operating in over 20 consumer and B2B markets

Extensive and unique subsea connecting over 30 markets.

$4.5 billion1


4.7 million homes passed3

4.0 million RGUs (video, internet, and fixed-line telephony subscribers)3

8.1 million mobile subscribers3

Our registered office is located at Clarendon House, 2 Church Street, Hamilton HM 11, Bermuda, and we also have limited business operations at 1550 Wewatta Street, Suite 710, Denver, Colorado 80202. Our main telephone numbers at those addresses are (441) 295-5950 and (303) 925-6000.

1Revenue for the year ended December 31, 2024. Due to rounding, certain totals may not recalculate.

2Employees as of December 31, 2024.

3Operating data as of December 31, 2024. Due to rounding, certain totals may not recalculate.